Of Saints & Scholars

OF SAINTS & SCHOLARS is a vehicle for women–smart, funny, sexy women of all ages, but especially those beauties age 40 and up. It’s a story in need of a strong female cast, and its audience is anyone needing a reminder that their voice matters. If the same audience enjoys a scenic trip across Ireland, all the better! Slainté!


On sabbatical in Ireland, a divorced writer in her 50s faces family and societal pressures when she embarks on a romance with a younger man.

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“A wonderful and timely film. Not only do we need stories about women finding their voice and films with strong female leads, but it’s also great that the protagonist is a women over 50 years old. And on top of that she gets to be the object of desire, the older woman, and it’s not just about sex or fun, it’s about what she has to offer any man and also herself.’

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“The hallmarks of a great writer is when the audience feels the empathy & power of their investments in protagonists, while simultaneously feeling that they are in “safe hands”. This script has several paths to productions.”

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“This is a charming story about love and friendship…Audiences will be laughing but will need to keep the Kleenex close by. This feel good romance/drama has fresh emotional plot twists mixed in with some great laugh out loud moments.”

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“A poignant story of a May-December love affair, with rich literary allusions, and set against the lush backdrop of Ireland. The story takes an unexpected path, but we enjoy the immensely satisfying journey thanks to the robust character development and the authenticity of the story…I shed a tear at the end…”

Academy Nicholl FELLOWSHIP
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The Locations

A love letter to Ireland, “Of Saints & Scholars” takes us from cozy pubs in Dublin, across Ireland, to the majestic Cliffs of Moher.

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    Interested in learning more about this project? Let me know!